Kings Mill Landing
Camp Adams, 24 Aug. 1861.
My very dear Wife:
I only write to advise that my health is excellent, that the cantelopes did not come yesterday but expect them today by the Steamer Schultz, which stops at our landing and is the best boat to send packages by. She comes down Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, and things sent the previous evening will be received here.
As soon as the paymaster comes along and pays off our regiment I expect to be ordered up for a few days to buy clothing for our company and regiment. You must not expect me too certainly, as this soldier life is made up of disappointments, etc. Dr. Parker and Allen Lyon are now in Richmond. I still hope I may be privileged to spend a few days with my family soon and hope ere long by the Almighty intercession for peace to be home permanently. An honourable peace is now my prayer and should be of all good citizens.
Kiss the dear children for father and tell them to look out for father next week.
Yours very affectionately,
Jno. S. Walker.
Always love to all the family.