Camp Deas, near Young’s Mill,
14th January, 1862.
My very dear Wife:
fear that my letter a day or two ago made you sick. I hope not. It was not so
intended. Since writing, the fleet has sailed, and we are soon to have
comparative quiet, with cold, bad weather.
want you to send me down anything good you can in the eating line which will
keep, such as sausage, corned beef, tongue, etc. Capt. Mayo has just gone up
and will be in Richmond by the time this reaches you, and he will bring down
anything you have to send say hams of bacon, etc. I have had nothing fit to eat
for several days.
officers of this Regiment gave a supper Monday night to the Field Officers of
the neighboring Regiments. Gen. Magruder &c were all there. I had to go,
tho I had no disposition. With the exception of a cracker and a small piece of
tongue I ate nothing, and came off very soon, having no taste for anything of
that kind. Thompson Brown stayed with me, having been one of our guests.
Mayo says if you will send anything to him for me down to the dock to
Lieutenant Kensey Johns that it will come all safe. David Walker will attend to
it for you.
am writing in great hurry to send off immediately,
so excuse haste. Give love to all and kiss my dear children.
very affectionately,
S. Walker