Camp Deas, near Youngs Mill,
Warick Co., Post Office
Yorktown, 4th Oct. 1861
My dear Wife:
I must write you a hurried letter as I have the opportunity of sending it to Williamsburg to be mailed. Your last enclosed one from Charles’ wife. I have written you pretty regularly and I am surprised you have not received them. I had not the opportunity of paying postage and put my name on the back so the postage could be paid at Richmond. These letters may not have been sent. I continue remarkably well, notwithstanding the unfavorable cold weather, very heavy rains which flood our camp.
From what I can learn, we will soon have to build log huts in which to winter near this place. We will be very close to James River and no doubt will have facilities of getting up and down the River by Steamer, as well as getting packages down. I hope you got my letter ordering my winter clothing down by Taylor and that you sent them. We are not advised as to what our future movements will be. We have to live each day and have to ourselves a military life not knowing what a day may bring forth. I only wish as a Christian I could so live trusting alone in the Lord, but sin, that marrer of all mankind, will creep in, but then the blood of Christ cleanses from all sin, thanks be to his atoning sacrifice.
Kiss the dear children and give love to all.
Yours most affectionately,
Jno. S. Walker
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