Camp near Youngs Mill
Warwick Co., 19th Sept., 1861
My dear Wife:
I received yesterday yours dated 17th relative to Boggs, and asking if I would give to the Missionary Cause. Yes, give $20.
Since writing from Camp DeSoto we have twice changed and are now the advance post towards the enemy, being only eight miles from Newport News. Those in command here are daily expecting an attack from Gen. Wool, but I think they are mistaken. I think the old man has too small a force and is only playing a little brag game with us. He may, however, come, and if so I hope we will give him a Bethel setting back. Our Regiment needs very much a head. Col. August is alone with us and I hope Col. Stuart will soon appear. We are at last receiving reinforcements down here and will soon be able to give old Wool a fight. I thank the Lord my trust is alone in Him and not in the weak arm of flesh. I hope he will continue with us and still more signally prove that he is Lord and host in battle, but our soldiers as a genera thing are very immoral and profane and I fear if his blessings don’t turn them to Christ and turn them from their evil way that in love for their souls he may chastise them.
Pray for the convicting grace to descend upon our army. I have the opportunity of writing, and am thankful today I am still well. I read Thompson Brown got home.
Kiss the dear children. Love to all.
Yours very affectionately,
Jno. S. Walker
Have you gotten your winter coal, if not, write to Mr. Wooldridge to have 250 bus. sent you and keep coal house locked. sign up
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